Monday, March 9, 2009

Sand Fun

Okay, it's been a while, but it isn't that I forgot about blogging, it's just that my life really is that boring.  I figured no one wants to hear my escapades about grocery shopping, the post office or picking up Tyler from school (although trying to do the above with 3 kids can be a little interesting).  So, yesterday after stake conference we went out to some sand dunes on the shores of the dry lake bed near our house.  Someone told Eric about them and we thought we'd check it out.  I thought, "Finally, something to blog about!" and I even grabbed the camera!  Of course we get out there, driving along a sandy wash out onto this huge dry lake bed and I get out the camera to take some cool shots, but the battery was dead.  Ugh!  Talk about frustration!  So, I will briefly talk about what we did and you'll have to imagine the scenery.  We drove out to the lake in a sandy wash (imagery: sand and desert shrubs) and got out to the lake bed (imagery: a huge completely flat expanse of dry, cracked dirt crust)--meanwhile the whole time we are kicking up enough dust that Tyler panicked and shouted "Mom, dad!  A sandstorm is coming!  Hurry!  It's a sandstorm!"  We then headed to the sand dunes on the north side of the lake bed (imagery: sandy hills with more desert shrubs).  Okay, they were somewhat cooler than that imagery but it is a little hard to explain without pictures!  But the boys had a great time jumping off the tops and sliding down.  Tyler even made several sand angels--yeah, you heard me right--sand angels, and believe me, sand gets into more places than snow....  We walked around a bit and tried to stay away from shrubs (snakes, scorpions, red ants, etc) and had a good time.  Tyler kept throwing handfuls of sand saying, "Sand blast!" and then fighting an imaginary villain.  It was pretty funny.  Jacob kept getting concerned when he couldn't see one of us (I don't blame him--everything looks the same and it can be a little disorienting).  After we got in the car the boys took their shoes off....I think we now have enough sand in our car that we won't have to go the beach anymore.  We can build our own sandcastle.  So those are our adventures in sand land.  Next time we go I will make sure my camera works!  There were all different shades of brown, beige, tan and taupe...   ;-)  No really, it was at least something to do that didn't involve tv or computer time.  Now you all have a reason to come visit!


Jeri Calder said...

With all that vivid imagery you gave us, you'll just have to go back there soon with a camera and show us the actual pictures! I'm so glad you found someplace to go where your kids can have fun, that isn't too far from your lovely "desert oasis" at Ford Irwin!!!

Morgan said...

Sounds fun...and you are right! It is something to do out there!

Hillary said...

Wow, something else to do in the middle of no where! Thanks for the great was just like pictures, well almost! Sounds like the boys had a blast, and I can just imagine the sand aftermath in the car!

allison nadauld said...

Fun. I need to be more creative like that.