Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Little Runaway

(Tyler then proceeded to go upstairs...a few minutes later he came back toting a suitcase.)

Tyler:  I'm leaving!  
Me:  Okay.

(Tyler then goes outside, stands on the sidewalk with his suitcase--keep in mind it was about 100 degrees today--then says after a minute or two...)

Tyler:  I am going to wait on the porch in case no one comes to get me.
Me:  Okay.

Me:  Tyler, why are you climbing in the suitcase?
Tyler:  I'm climbing in the suitcase to go to bed because I don't have a bed.
Me:  Oh, okay.

(In the midst of this is Jacob screaming because he wants to go with Tyler but Tyler doesn't want him to...)
Tyler:  I'm doing the same thing daddy did.
Me:  Okay.

(Thanks to grandma who told him the story of his daddy running away with a suitcase full of socks.  Tyler at least was smart enough to pack the essentials--his storm trooper costume and gun, 2 ocean books--very handy in the desert, a Ben 10 watch and his Big Doggie.)
(After a few more minutes...and coincidentally right after me telling Jacob I was going to put a movie on for him...)

Tyler:  I'm coming inside now since no one is coming to get me.
Me:  Okay.


allison nadauld said...

What a memorable story. Make sure you don't tell Tyler's future kids...they'll do it too. I love that Jacob wanted to go with him. The Brother bond is strong.

Katie L. said...

Ha! He is just like his daddy! I love the pictures of it all and that Jake was involved! So funny!

Morgan said...

That is HILARIOUS!! So glad you caught it play by play.

Hillary said...

I am so laughing on this one. Classic! I especially like that he didn't have shoes on. And, Jacob, how sad...he just wanted to go with his brother, what boys you have. I actually ran away too when I was little. I made it to the corner and decided it wasn't worth it. I think my mom handled it the same way as you. Must be a Swenson thing.