Monday, November 21, 2011

My Family Circus

In case some of you have wondered why I named our blog the Swenson Family Circus, it is because that is exactly what it is. I took some liberties borrowing from the actual Family Circus cartoon--I should just use that as my family chronicle instead of a blog. These faves are up on my wall--they could have been snapshots from my life...

On a side note, I am sure all mothers feel my pain when I say my kids are constantly asking questions that have no answers. Or at least no answers I know of. Yesterday though, Jacob asked me a question I KNEW the answer to I thought it would be a one shot deal-one question, one answer. This is how it went down...

Jacob, holding up a gold dollar coin: Mom, how much is this?
Me: A dollar.
Jacob: No, how much is it?
Me: A dollar!
Jacob: No, mom, how MUCH is it?
Me: ONE dollar, 100 pennies.
Jacob: NO! HOW MUCH is it?
Me: Jacob, it is one dollar, that's how much it is!
Jacob, in a very exasperated tone: Mom, you just don't understand what I am talking about...

I guess not.


Jeri Calder said...

Jacob has me stumped on that one, too!!!

Penrod Family said...

LOL, Not the same question but have been in similar situations many times. The joys of motherhood! xoxo