Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Famous Daughter

People keep telling me that Maggie looks like one of the Pitt/Jolie children. Seriously--like 3 people have said that to me since yesterday. I don't follow the Hollywood scene too much so I looked it up and actually I have to say I agree...they do look pretty similar. This is Shiloh slightly older than Mags is now...
I guess it shouldn't be too much of a surprise though, considering the fact that Eric and I DO bear a striking resemblance to Brad and Angelina...

I mean, really, I feel like I am looking in a mirror....it's almost eerie....


Jeri Calder said...

Well, if my granddaughter is drop dead gorgeous, and my daughter is drop dead gorgeous......that can only mean that I must be drop dead gorgeous too......

Being the knock out glamour girl that I am is at times a trial, but I do my best to bear up with that burden. :)

Hillary said...

You make me laugh,,,Maggie does look a lot like her, but I think it may be a stretch for Eric!

Jessica said...

I'm going to have to give you a big fat NO on eric looking like brad pitt :D You... I can see it! She does look like her though! Way to go!