Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Like Mother like daughter.

Anyone who knows me well will know I am what you'd call a "planner."  I am not so much a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl.  Sometimes I wish I were, but being a planner is not a bad thing.  But it can be taken to far--case in point:

Yesterday we went to the library and Maggie and Joey each picked out 3 books to bring home.  Although I am ashamed to admit it, we don't frequent the library too much (any of you who knows Joey knows why).  Maggie thought it was amazing and wonderful and marvelous.  I said to her, "Maybe we can come to library every Tuesday and pick out books since you liked it so much."  She thought for a minute and replied, "Well, maybe when I'm 15 or 16 and it's my birthday, and it's on a Tuesday, we will have to have a party first, and then we will have to do something else, and then something else, and maybe something else too.  But after we do all that then we can go to the library."  Now that's what I call planning ahead.

1 comment:

Jeri Calder said...

Like mother, like grandmother!! Guess we're three of a kind!!